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Giving Extra Life: A Fundraiser by Amor Estandian

I am happy to host Amor on the blog today! We have known each other since 9th grade and he is up to some fun and creative projects.


My name is Amor and I’d like to tell you about a cause that’s very important to me, one that resonates with me on multiple levels.

I’m a video game developer; it’s my passion to craft experiences and content in games. It’s my hope for anyone who plays a game of mine that they have a fun, positive, and memorable experience. That said, games are a big deal to me.

I’m a parent of four happy and healthy children. To be perfectly honest, I consider myself and my family blessed. My wife and children mean the world to me. As a parent I think about what would happen to my child if something compromised their health and I hope that they get the care they need should anything happen. Just as important - there are children who need help and support right now.

Extra Life is an opportunity for the gaming community to fund raise for local hospitals. On November 10th I’ll be playing games during a 24 hour marathon to raise money for my local hospital, Sacred Heart Medical Center in Eugene, Oregon. 100% of all donations go directly to Sacred Heart. This is my sixth year participating in the marathon, livestreaming the whole thing. I’ll be playing games, hosting trivia, running giveaways, and hopefully providing entertainment for anyone watching.

Will you consider joining me in my effort to help a hospital that treats children? If so, there are a few ways to help:

  • Donate at:

  • Spread the word by sharing this story or the link above

  • Drop in on the livestream on November 10th

  • Donate prizes for giveaways, such as digital keys for games

This screen capture is from my second year, the moment I completed 24 hours. This marathon has a way of challenging one's mental and physical ability.

I want to thank you for your time, reading about this cause. It’s my hope to do some good through my passion for gaming but most importantly, for the kids.

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