1. The grocery store has had almost every thing we need, even if it's a smaller package or something.
2. Talking with my friends for "Book Club Brunch" Saturday mornings.
3. Sleeping in.
4. Not feeling guilty for binge-watching This is Us.
5. Work Zooms on Tuesdays with my beloved church staff.
6. Picking up a new writing project.
7. Listening to more audiobooks.
8. Getting fun mail
9. Sending fun mail
10. Having Bill around a lot more.
11. Taking naps.
12. Laughing at COVID memes.
13. Still being able to connect with my counselor during this time.
14. Regular family Zooms with relatives far away.
15. Daily jokes and memes from my friends.
16. Snuggling with my kiddos more.
17. Not spending so much time in the car.
18. My weekly grocery freedom run.
19. #familywalk most days.
20. Facetimes with my friends.
What blessings have you discovered during this time? There have been many things in which to be disappointed and mourn, and much fear, but some unexpected blessings too.